Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Quick Trip

Yesterday was the commercial at the office back in Louisiana.

The trip there was pretty awful driving in severe weather for most of the trip. Once I was closer to Lafayette, the rain let up a bit.  I first went to see my friends in the old neighborhood.  The kids were so excited to see me, and I felt horrible for getting there so late, but luckily they are not in school this week, so I was not in trouble with their parents!  We visited for a while, got them up to speed on our house situation here and some funny stories here and there, it was nice for adult interaction after it just been me and the cats for a couple of weeks.  I picked up the boxes of things that we had left at their house the day of the move because our cars were both packed to the brim!

The next morning started bright and early. Got up and started my phone call list of people to get up to the office.  I even did the  nicest thing I think, I went to Great Harvest Bread Co. and picked up a sampler box for breakfast for everyone that was being so kind to come and do the commercial for us.

But before that, I had to talk to the new assistant and get her goals for the next few weeks and talk to her about a few situations.  Was productive in more than one way.  I have to send those emails after this entry is complete.

Once the people got there for the commercial things went very smoothly.  The patients were all talking among themselves about their procedures and making very good friends.  It was quite great to see them all interacting.  It was nice to be back where I felt comfortable, with the patients I really like and have a bond with.  I did leave early before the part that I was supposed to be in, no big deal!  Hailey got her life long dream of being a tooth girl fulfilled!

At lunch, I got to catch up with +Brent Frick, on life and everything else.  Took care of some unfinished business and finally felt accomplished with the particular banking institution.  We went to a rather new restaurant in Lafayette, well I think it has been there for like a year probably, but new to me! The salad was actually awesome!  I cannot wait to see Mrs +Brent Frick in the summer when she comes to Dallas.

I have a few emails to send to the office and start preparing the next order for the upcoming month.  I did an inventory while waiting for Dr. Finley to return to the office, but we ended up taking care of it over the phone and I left almost 3 hours late for Dallas and yet again drove almost all of LA in extremely severe weather.  Matter of fact, I am positive that I seen a tornado form and touch down in St. Landry Parish on I-49.  The winds were so strong  that most trucks were pulled off the roadway.  Which was great for me so that I could actually see the road.  Once I got to Shreveport the skys cleared up and even some sun left in the day.  Then I just booked it back to Dallas and got home around 10PM.  You would think that I would sleep in after the day I had yesterday .. nope .. up at 7AM and couldn't go back to sleep.

So, yesterday I left my key at Finley Periodontics, which was fitting that it literally started storming as soon as I set the alarm for the last time.  EVEN more fitting, my official last time at the office was me by myself alone and left alone.  I guess its a memory stable place as I started alone and finished alone.

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