Friday, August 29, 2014

Cox Communications

Today I feel super accomplished!  I have cancelled 3 credit cards, opened a new account at TSFL for a  new client, and now I am on hold with cox to see about my refund that I have not received since we moved from Louisiana! And I have been doing laundry all during these process!  Again - feeling super productive!

The guy from Cox is SUPER helpful!  So was the girl last time, but still no refund - he is contacting the finance department for me to figure out why I haven't received my refund yet.  The last two times (this time being one of them) I have had awesome customer service - the two times before that I did not and was pretty rude on the phone - I am not going to lie.  The same thing I told the customer service rep - because I know they make notes about each call LOL and wanted to give my reasoning for being "THAT caller/customer".  We shall see if I get the refund next month or if I need to call back again.  I do know that the best number to call to NOT get Louisiana customer reps is 1.877.404.2606.  That's the number I will be calling from now on!!  All this fuss for 77.09.  Its worth it because cox is overpriced and annoying so its nice to return the favor to them!

Things are going very well at the office.  We accepted and signed with one insurance company so see if that generates some more business.  I have been super busy setting things up and negotiating fees with the insurance companies as well.  Plus, final edits to the website.  Once we go live I will post a link to the website.

I am thinking about ordering new cards for take shape for life since all of my current ones have all my Lafayette information on them.  I like some of the designs from vista print - might look into those!

Luis and I started our challenge a few days early to get on track so we are getting back into the swing of things.  Also a reminder of how easy it is to get out of a healthy habit that you have created.  So back to the basics for the next 12 weeks will be wonderful!

If you'd like to join my secret group on facebook for the 12 week health challenge there is still stime!! Just sent me a message here or on facebook and I'll get you added!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Acknowledging growth and change

To actively go through change and growth is easy - also easily over looked.  I just experienced it just a week ago.  I have been actively making changes for almost 2 years now.  All in a positive way of course.

We had never really told anyone (in our families) about the last meeting with our fertility doctor in Louisiana (right before we moved).  It wasn't the news we wanted to hear, but it also wasn't absolute horrible news.  We knew when leaving that day, the chances of us having a child were very slim.  It hurt.  I was depressed for a good while and covered it up - even to myself with all of the stress of the move.  My mom recently asked me if we were still trying to have a baby.  Of course we were on facetime with my dad, mom, and sister Amber .... I basically told them flat out.  It was sad to say, but I didn't feel that devastated feeling in my stomach.  At the time, to be honest, I didn't really notice.  Later, as I always do, I was thinking about our conversation and then had the realization that it had happened.  Immediately I told Luis.  We then noticed our growth. While it is still painful to know the truth, we have accepted it and grown from it.

Things are going in a more positive way at the office.  My boss is doing better now that we have had a few patients.  We even had our first new patient!  I have been working on TONS of things.  Even though we have not had patients a lot of the time, I always have things to do.  Yesterday was the first day we had two patients in a day. I am not going to lie, it is a struggle to try to do all the front and the back and stay on schedule.  Not to mention, I using/learning a system I have NO experience on or training.  Once we see a few more patients I think I'll have procedures, paperwork, and the such under control.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Updates and stress!

I knew I had not updated in a few weeks, but I  didn't know it was a month almost exactly.  Gosh! Where do I start.

Well, the twins came to visit us the first part of August.  We did a ton of stuff, it was a lot of fun.  I wasn't exactly working everyday just yet, so it made it nice to be able to spend time with them.  Of course we had to take the all well known Ikea trip.  The girls bought so much furniture that Luis had to take it all back to our house and then come back to Ikea and pick us up .... better yet, somehow with all four of us loading the car we got ALL of it plus them in Angie's cobalt.  I'm still not sure how, but it happened.  I had to take all their clothing out of their luggage and do the space bags so they could take it home with them.  At some point Angie will need to come to The Colony to get the contents of her trunk that she left in our garage ...

After that, the office has taken over my life and sanity. Questionable if I ever had any - but what I did have has been taken away.  I mean I even have had drinks multiple times a week.  That hasn't happened in a LONG time - like almost 5 years.  Anyhow,  Things are moving forward.  I talked to my old doctor and was able to get a lot of forms from his office to use for patient information.  The hardest to create is the consents and informed information about root canals and the post operative instructions - since I have never even assisted on one!  I do have to say, I like having this office from scratch - doing all the things the right way the first time is a lot easier than trying to back track so many years/ex workers to fix. Yes, it has been stressful - but there is more to that than what meets the eye.  Hopefully this week that will be taken care of  or I might just lose it!

Oh, how could I forget - the week the twins were visiting we found out our front door was infested with fire ants - so we went and bought a new door and I had wanted a storm door - so we just got all of it together. In the mean time while we were waiting for the doors to come in, our pest control came by and sprayed poison in the door to kill the colony, but the door was split ( I am assuming from the ants) at the top.  The door was installed yesterday and today we painted the door.  The storm door arrived damaged so we have to wait for that piece to come back in and then they will come and install the storm door.  Yeah we are pretty boring individuals!