Thursday, April 10, 2014

Morning Aggravation!

I just have to vent some where because i am very aggravated.   To slightly explain the situation without going into huge amount of detail - I am still working extremely part-time for the doctor back in Lafayette.

I DO NOT mind whenever they call me for help - even as yesterday I am in the MIDDLE of my new home inspection, but I take the call and walk the person through the issue - no problem at all - really, I love helping.  The problem I have is whenever people that have no idea what is really going on weigh in their thoughts about the situation.  The person I hired for the office manager was asking a few tech problems which was easily diverted to the tech support for the office, no big deal.  But then she proceeds to tell me that I was asked to return my key and my scrubs.  Which the scrubs were a given, and I only purchased on the doctors money for the year - 2 pairs of scrubs as I was hopeful to have the need for maternity scrubs.  I mean hell, I even gave someone there my surgery shoes that I purchased they were well over $150. The are amazing shoes and if you are going to be standing on concrete all day they are very necessary - just after I lost weight, they were 3 sizes or more too big, so why keep them?  Anyhow, I was asked to give my key tot the office manager - which that is not the reason that I am aggravated.  I am questioning why MY key is being given to this said person and not the person who she replaced - that to me would make more sense.  Anyhow, I sent an email to the doctor explaining that I had no problem giving the key back, but if I give the key back I will no longer be making ANY trips back to Lafayette to help with the office in person, as many times I have been stood up at the office with "people meeting me up there"  So I am not making a LONG trip to be helpful  (which I have NO problem with) ... I guess more so I have an issue with the way it is being handled, because I'm pretty sure this person that is giving all these orders (not the doctor) doesn't even know that I am actually STILL employed there.  Which now, I have to go back and email all those people and this is just turning into a bunch of crap.

Anyhow, I am not upset, just needed to vent.  Just got the call/text I have been waiting for - off to get ready!

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