Friday, April 25, 2014

Life and the funny things that you come across...

Today is one of those days, where I look back and think of the funny things I have come across.  The simple people, the complex people +Brent Frick (LOL), the hilarious things that happen, and the impact I have had on peoples lives - both good and bad.

I have found, even with myself, whenever you are talking about someone else and seeing what they are doing as bad (even if it isn't) you are trying to cover something up in your person life by attacking someone else.  I worked with someone like that, at my last job.  This person was my "friend" to begin with but by the end hated me and bad mouthed me anytime this person had the chance.  After talking to an old friend today, it dawned on me why this person hated me so much.  I had the life this person wanted.  Even though my life isn't this amazing fairy tale type thing, I'd like to think I have a pretty blessed and amazing life and work hard for everything in it.  I have a wonderful supporting and love husband and our relationship is always great with continued work - like EVERY relationship, I have made amazing friends in multiple states and even countries,  I have had very personally fulfilling career - no matter what it was, and I have a supportive family both mine and my husbands. (supportive in their own ways  - haha)  Sure I have fertility problems, weight issues, and trust problems - which I am extremely vocal/honest about to everyone I meet, but I always strive to over come those things.  I lost the weight - its a continue worked for keeping it off, dealing with both the fertility and trust problems - and I might add trying to make all things better.  I always have goals, then I even have more goals.  What the most important goal to me?  Always trying to be better than I was a day ago, an hour ago, a year ago - that is my goal.  I always strive to be my best.  Though, there are days where you just want to give up - sure we ALL have them.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you hate me because I am trying to better myself - Thanks!! You motivate me to keep trying to be better.

That also goes for people who talk about other behind their backs.  I always like to find out that people that I haven't thought about in a while are still talking about me.  I am happy that I made such an impact on their life, that they take the time out of their day, their life to still talk about me - whether  I made them happy, glad or just plain miserable.  That again is just more motivation to keep on being the awesome person I am becoming and will never stop growing!

In all fairness, the great people I have met and had an impact on their life is far greater than the haters that I have impacted.  But usually its the haters that you hear about rather than the best people - because those best people you never lose contact with.  Just the haters - because they were probably being fake and not worth you time to begin with!

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