Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Things have been going great.  I am down about 15lbs and my scrubs are fitting more and more like they should every day!  I have had some days where we might bend the rules slightly, but not have a total derailment.  The support group on facebook is in one word AWESOME!  I have never posted any "skin showing" photos previously, but I was moved to do so in the group by other people.  We should not be ashamed of who are currently, but we know there is room for improvement that we are for a lack of better descriptive way - hungry for it.  Each of as person have what it takes to be successful, its a matter of tapping into that part of yourself - which for some is harder than others.

Again, I keep learning new things every time I do a challenge. I find more and things to shed, things that once held such grave importance (that includes people sometimes) really have no bearing on draw on my life and its time to shed those items.  I usually start by cleaning items away vs people, just because I NEVER follow my gut instinct, which I shouldn't question it.  I allow people 3 chances, but once that 3rd chance is up - I'm done with you.  I will no longer keep up one sided relationships and do all the work for a "friendship/relationship" that doesn't really having any substance or validity in my life.  With all that being said, we cleaned out our garage and took a ton of stuff to the local donation area that uses things for women and children in shelters.  I will no longer give things to family members that have the means to apparently buy new things that I myself cannot even have the luxury of doing.

I am currently having an inner battle with myself over my job.  I am under a ton of stress to get all things done - and I feel like I do a pretty good job of keeping up with it all, but one procedure, and then its like I am 50 steps behind where I thought I was.  Its always good to have that reassurance to give yourself, but considering this a total new field for me - I do not have that reassurance to give myself - just mostly doubt!

In recent days, I have had to have several uncomfortable conversations with people.  Not really uncomfortable for me, but mostly for the other parties involved, which is sometimes worse.  One was ending a relationship with a dental rep that really did a lot for us - believe me, I was super grateful to have had him for the set up, but like I tell every rep - I am needy, you are going to have to spend time with me and I'll have thousand questions.  Most of you know, I am super up front - sometimes too frank, but I don't want them to think its going to be a breeze account and then getting into it, its farther from the truth than they could have every imagined.   Now we a new rep (with in the same company) and he is better, but he is no Erik!  I wanted to have my rep back from LA, just because we have worked together for several years at my other office and he knows just how demanding I am and what I expect from a Rep.  But the RM here said it was not possible since he is in a different region.  The other conversation I had to have was with my boss.  It was something that I had wanted to tell him since my BIL root canal.  I could tell his feeling where hurt, but he wanted to know it all, so he got it all for sure.  I really miss what I did at the other office, but I know unless several people to move on - things would never be the way they needed to be.  Things just never work out as optimally as  you think they are going to be and nothing is ever the pure definition of perfect - perfect is what you make it to be - which is imperfect in itself.

Tomorrow we are leaving to go and visit Luis' Dad and family.  we are going to take a day and see the city and (Philly) and then the next days we will be in Allentown visiting.  We got hotel rooms this trip and it will be longer than 24 hours - the last time we went up there was a total wreck with travel and it was only for 24 hours - I'll never do that again for anything!

Wish us safe travels and positive vibes for the trip!  This will also be the first time his dad and the rest of them see us since we have lost the weight.  We shall see how that all goes!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Sedation Course

This short week has been a super eventful week!  Our office website went live!  Feel free to visit it!   I also am taking a oral sedation class with my doctor.

What I have learned today (the first day of the class)  is that I actually knew way more about oral sedation than I thought I did.  I think it even surprised my boss as well!   I texted my old boss and told him thanks for all that he taught me about oral sedation, monitoring, and emergency situation things.  I actually got all but one answer correct in the questions during lecture.  Oh yeah, not to mention I am the only person who is not a doctor .... kinda strange - even more so when I am getting answer right that they are not!  I am providing the support for the people taking the webinar portion of the class.  Which consist of me texting people back from the doctor's phone that is giving the class! Pretty easy and I am getting CE courses for free!  Also, my boss is going to sedate me on sunday - so we shall see how that goes.  Hopefully I just sleep and I don't talk out of my head - like whenever I have had way to much to drink - which hasn't happened for years, but you know that kinda stuff just doesn't change!

I had to contact a friend back in Lafayette to help me with a situation at work.  I hate to have to involve him, but I'm basically at a point where I just had to since I was not getting any response from anyone here.  Which is pretty strange, I just hope they are both okay.  Its very out of character for them!

I am not sure if blogged about this or not.  We set up the "junk room" to bee an office space for both Luis and I.  I already had my super adorable secretary's desk (from Ikea) and Luis has had his eye on this big corner desk at Ikea for a while.  We actually found it in the returns bin - where it was 50%  off!  It has a little bit of cosmetic damage but nothing terrible. I have dubbed this room the Ikea room.  We have 2 desk, an end table, sofabed, and desk chair all from Ikea in here.

Anyhow, with that being said - I have the entire house pretty much set up!  The guest room is complete - we even have an armoire or clothing for when guest come over (we are using the closet for storage) Now, I need to send out our address change cards - I got side tracked!

Also, we booked a trip to go and visit Luis' dad and brother in PA.  One of the advantages of being in a bigger city now is the availability to travel for a decent price.  We haven't seen them in a few years, and Luis grandma is up there right now, so it would be the best time.  Luis mom will be here for Thanksgiving and we will see my family for a few days at Christmas.

I cannot wait to decorate for a fall when I get my new wreath next week!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Working the weekend

Well Luis and I officially started our 12 week challenge on Monday.  Things are falling back into a nice routine.  It will take at least two solid weeks to completely adjust to no sugar at all.  We do not eat a lot of refined sugar - but weaning ourselves off of fructose - the sugar that naturally occurs in fruits and some vegetables.

Last night I made this amazing hamburger.  We used a portobello mushroom as the bread/bun, hamburger patty with small amount of cheese, one piece of bacon, (per request of Luis) 1 fried egg, shredded lettuce, sliced tomato and "bloody mary" pickles.  It was just what we needed after working so hard all day in the yard.

Tonight, I made some small very lean steaks and braised cabbage with a small amount of bacon (mostly for seasoning)  I have completely fallen in love with cabbage since losing weight - strangest thing!

This weekend, we worked very hard!  Sunday and Monday we worked outside on the yard.  Here in North Texas everyone has some kind of foundation problem, just because of the type of soil that is present here.  Our Realtor and home inspector told us the best way to help keep the foundation stable and hydrated to use soaker hoses around the perimeter of the house.  Whenever I re-did the front flower beds I buried the soaker hose in the font/side of the house.  This weekend we bought 3 azaleas of various colors, 3 ever green shrubs, and a bunch of potato vines (since I have not killed the ones I have had for a few months)  We planted the shrubs next to our deck - they are small but will grow big quickly - buried a soaker hose in that bed and mulched it - that was the easiest thing we did all weekend!  The back flower bed was like 90% clay that had been irrigated - so it was like digging in modeling clay - huge mess.  Luis had to had mend 2 hoses together - that in itself took 2 home depot trips. Just thinking about it all makes me tired!!!  Once I have the front looking like how I want it, I will take a picture.  We have someone building some railing for the font of the house - it mostly for looks - but was cute when it was there - it rotted so yeah needs to be changed.

Luis is on a one night business trip tonight.  I cannot believe how close to the airport we are - its crazy!  Via the toll roads of course.

I need to find a dermatologist here, my Roscea is acting out like it did 5 years ago whenever I broke out after our wedding.  Its not quite that bad yet or painful - but I am super babying it right now!