Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Following the footsteps of a powerful woman ...

I have been struggling with what to do since I don't have a "9 to 5" job.  Sleeping in until 10AM and then staying up until midnight - makes me feel like I am in college again.  As much as I loved those days, they are behind me and I was a much different person compared to now.  So, trying to figure out how to get out of this slump and preform like a normal adult was a little challenging.   But then it dawned on me ... I will do just as my grandma Joyce did.  Thinking about it .. she did not HAVE to get up, but she did in the AM and fixed everyone breakfast and started her first load of wash.  Then she did the dishes from breakfast and cleaned the kitchen.  Then she did a little cleaning and then started the farm chores of the house.  I have no farm, but I have  laundry, breakfast, and a kitchen.  So that's what I have been trying to do this week.  Give myself meaning for getting up at 6AM and being productive.

I mean sure, I do work for both Dr. Finleys, but its in the late morning and afternoon.

I ran out of K-cups for my coffee machine, so I thought I'll just buy a bag coffee,which should last us the rest our stay here, and use the furnished coffee pot.  Today was my first pot.  Granted, I have not made coffee in a traditional coffee pot since my grandma passed away.  I made a mess trying to pour it in +Luis  travel mug and in my giant coffee mug that +Anastacia  got me at Christmas time.  Hopefully tomorrow morning will go better!

My friend Tara text me to set up an awesome weekend.  I haven't seen her I think in about 2 years!  It will be very awesome to see her and catch up.  Plus she will be the first to visit our new house!!  Pretty much right after we move in, but I am totally okay with that!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Fixer

I don't know about you all, but I love the show "Scandal" ...... and sometimes I feel like the Olivia Pope of the dentistry world.  I know, it is dramatic sounding, but usually when someone reaches out to me is when everything is going down fast and not looking good.  So then I swoop in and well quite frankly fix it.

Some people I will never understand, some I do understand and wish I didn't, and some well quite frankly I try to stay far away from them so I am not tempted to try to understand them!  But one thing I do not understand is when you interview someone, they are one person.  Then the day they start getting a pay check, the morph into this entire person that you didn't even imagine could be hiding there.  Whatever happened to trying to please your boss and trying to get a long with all your co workers - even if you couldn't stand the sight of their face?  I was raised back in the good ole Midwest, that you are nice to everyone, even if you don't like them - there is always a few exceptions, don't get me wrong.  But this talking behind peoples back at work, making fun of people at work, and just making up you own whatever as you go along - where did this come from???  Also, another issue I have come across, people having problem with there being management.  Not with the person who is the manager - but that there is management - they would rather have a free for all.  Not me.  I like structure and dependability.

So today, I help solve a crisis at 7AM.  Go me!  You are awesome Sara Mulero aka Dental office fixer! haha I guess I need a pat on the back from myself? I'll take it!  Hopefully all works out to the best of its abilities.  I know karma will be there for all the others involved and that things will work themselves out,but I just hate to see it have to happen like that.  Lets all be adults .... I know .. novel idea - MATURITY! 

Yesterday, the first day of the whole30 went very well.  I was up early with +Luis , to make some breakfast and his lunch.  Then I went for a walk to the gym here on the apartment grounds.  Its a pretty nice gym, actually .. kinda weird to me.  There was a few people in there that didn't bother me - but then a girl with her personal trainer came in.  Now, I have no problem with a personal trainer - don't get me wrong - but when the dude is eating a muffin and having some coffee and they are merely just chatting all along while he is looking at me in the mirror on the wall - I tend to get self conscious.  I am not going to lie to you all - I don't like going to the gym because of whenever I was heavier - there is always the stares and the gawkers.  I have become a lot better in dealing with it, but I guess yesterday just wasn't my day.  I did the elliptical for 30 mins and then 30 mins of weight machines and then kinda sorta jogged back to the apartment.  Not the entire way, but hey - I gotta start somewhere.  I really would like to be a runner - its strange, even to me that I want this.  But I do.  So baby steps,  I'll start with very light jogging and work up my strength. It will come sooner or later if I just keep at it.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Whole 30 challenge

First and foremost, I'd like to start with saying we should all pray and keep those affected by the Midwest tornadoes yesterday in our our prayers and thoughts.  I haven't seen or remember a tornado that had an  80 mile storm path, that's a VERY strong storm.

Yesterday I received a call from my cousin Carly.  We don't talk often (like most of my family) but when we do its nice to catch up and just talk to those you love.  We talk about the past, present, and even goals for this year.  Just when you think you are so different from those you grow up with, you quickly see how maybe your paths are not that far off in the future!

So the title of this entry is Whole 30 Challenge, and for good reason.  +Luis  and I are going to do this challenge and see how we feel after 30 days.  Basically we have been following a lot of these protocols post weight loss, but noticing different things with our bodies, that lead me to believe that we need to eliminate dairy, grains, all processed foods.  On Take Shape for Life the foods are processed by medical doctors to help you lose weight, and I would never change that part of my life, but for the future and becoming even more healthy I want to take it up a notch for us both.

We are going to be eating more protein that we have to help stimulate better hormone function and facilitate more energy.  Even though we aren't going to the gym or doing some regime of work out programs, we are having a more active lifestyle and we both experience energy slumps.  So why not try something for 30 days and see what happens.  Since I am going to be at this apartment complex for a few more weeks, there is gym here - small and limited - but FREE! I am challenging myself to at least 30 minutes of work out a day.  Ideally I would like to do an hour - but sometimes you just get bored in there.  I do struggle with boredom often!

If you would like to do the Whole 30 challenge with +Luis  and I send me a message on here, text me, facebook, and even email me.  I'll help you get on board!  It is a bit drastic, but I am confident it will be awesome.  It has nothing to do with the program we lost weight on, but I do believe it can help just about anyone.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Life and the funny things that you come across...

Today is one of those days, where I look back and think of the funny things I have come across.  The simple people, the complex people +Brent Frick (LOL), the hilarious things that happen, and the impact I have had on peoples lives - both good and bad.

I have found, even with myself, whenever you are talking about someone else and seeing what they are doing as bad (even if it isn't) you are trying to cover something up in your person life by attacking someone else.  I worked with someone like that, at my last job.  This person was my "friend" to begin with but by the end hated me and bad mouthed me anytime this person had the chance.  After talking to an old friend today, it dawned on me why this person hated me so much.  I had the life this person wanted.  Even though my life isn't this amazing fairy tale type thing, I'd like to think I have a pretty blessed and amazing life and work hard for everything in it.  I have a wonderful supporting and love husband and our relationship is always great with continued work - like EVERY relationship, I have made amazing friends in multiple states and even countries,  I have had very personally fulfilling career - no matter what it was, and I have a supportive family both mine and my husbands. (supportive in their own ways  - haha)  Sure I have fertility problems, weight issues, and trust problems - which I am extremely vocal/honest about to everyone I meet, but I always strive to over come those things.  I lost the weight - its a continue worked for keeping it off, dealing with both the fertility and trust problems - and I might add trying to make all things better.  I always have goals, then I even have more goals.  What the most important goal to me?  Always trying to be better than I was a day ago, an hour ago, a year ago - that is my goal.  I always strive to be my best.  Though, there are days where you just want to give up - sure we ALL have them.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you hate me because I am trying to better myself - Thanks!! You motivate me to keep trying to be better.

That also goes for people who talk about other behind their backs.  I always like to find out that people that I haven't thought about in a while are still talking about me.  I am happy that I made such an impact on their life, that they take the time out of their day, their life to still talk about me - whether  I made them happy, glad or just plain miserable.  That again is just more motivation to keep on being the awesome person I am becoming and will never stop growing!

In all fairness, the great people I have met and had an impact on their life is far greater than the haters that I have impacted.  But usually its the haters that you hear about rather than the best people - because those best people you never lose contact with.  Just the haters - because they were probably being fake and not worth you time to begin with!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Meeting the Dams

On Thursday, I went to The Colony ( the new house) for the foundation inspection.  I actually was surprised to meet the current owner of the home.  His name is Gary Dam.  I, of course STL proud, had my cardinals shirt on.  Which in itself is risky since I am literally in Rangers territory.  Anyhow, that sparked a conversation about where I was from.  And to my surprise  his wife is from Sullivan! And even more strange, the know about Rolla and have been there!  Crazy!  That just made it more apparent that this house was meant to be ours!!!

Foundation is stable and Gary has been doing all sorts of "repairs" he didn't even have to do.  We really hit the jackpot on finding a home where the owners are like Luis and I, in the fact that they built this house 30 years ago and its like they are giving away their baby.  Also fun fact, several people in the cul de sac are original owners.  So fun! As part of the repairs we asked to have done, was replace the ceiling in the garage, instead they countered with we could keep the refrigerator and washer and dryer.  Even though I have those appliances, ours may be too large anyhow, so this is a good thing.

Yesterday, Luis and I walked some of the trails here in Carrollton, just so that we could get out of the apartment.  The weather was amazing.  I got a little sun but nothing too bad.  We ended up walking 7 miles round trip, without really realizing it until about the last 20 mins of the walk when my calves started to really hurt!  I had not planned appropriately food or hydration wise.  So with that being said we had missed like 3 meals and I had not had anything to drink until we came across a park with a drinking fountain.  I really enjoyed it, I have blisters on my feet to prove it! LOL.  We went to get some coconut water to re-hydrate with  and then headed to Panera (YAY!!) for some lunch.  The last time I had Panera was with Amy and Angie in Springfield MO like a year ago.  I love being in Panera country again!

We seen a lot of people on bikes yesterday during the walk.  My friend Karen just got a bike and loves it.  I seen these people on the bikes go by several times, as they were doing several laps.  It would be more enjoyable on a bike I think, we could actually not be so tired after seeing the entire trail.  We went to a store REI to look at some bikes.  Luis has been wanting to go in that store, for what reason I am not sure, since he isn't the most outdoor loving guy.  I am excited to get a bike for sure!  Even Luis is too.  I think the move to Texas will be good for our hopefully more physically active lifestyle.  There is a large bike shop here that offers awesome bikes used at fantastic prices.  I think our plan is to get some bikes there, once we are our house.

Also on our walk we came across a neighborhood library, which was super awesome!  The idea was that you could take a book and they'd like you to put another book in there.  After you read the book, you put your name in there and then return it.  Its just outside someones yard, its sooo awesome!  There was some magazines in there, so I have some really good ones that I could put in there! I cannot wait to go back by it!

I hope everyone had a great Easter Holiday!  Ours was quiet, and since all of our things are in storage the cats did not get to have their annual easter egg hunt in the house.  But we did celebrate Rico's Birthday on Thursday evening!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

A few random thoughts ....

Today around 10 I am headed out to the new house to see what the foundation company (that did the work previously) reports about the property.  I am very excited about this house, while the layout is not what my idea of ideal is, the owners really are.  They consistently surprise me by doing the right thing.  They are truly great people.

When I get back from that, I need to finish out the last hour of my Texas xray lecture and take the test already.  The lecture is just long and boring with a lot of scientific information about the xrays that I need to write down to have all that straight for what angles and what type of xrays and what not.  Its really confusing to me because I have only used traditional style xrays 2 different times.  The lecture vs taking xrays is vastly different.  Its a lot easier knowing what tooth you are trying to capture and the angle you  need to point the BID at than what they make it to be in the lecture.  All I can say is that in Louisiana it was much more easy to attain the ability to take xrays!!

I do struggle sometimes with depression, and I think genuinely everyone does from time to time.  I think my best way of coping with it for the last few years, was by being so busy I didn't have time to think about being depressed.  While my brain has always been overworked, now that I am unemployed, that when I do talk to someone, I am constantly judging what I said, what I did, did I handle it correctly?  I mean don't get me wrong, I do this ALL the time, even about the blogs I write .... its just who I am.  But its usually just a few times I think about it.  I have been thinking about the last phone conversation with my old boss over and over again, then judging did I handle it correctly ... is he distancing me because I offended him? More than likely, I am just making all of this up.

I have to say that I am super impressed with Hailey and Cherie, Hailey has really stepped up and starting to get more organized as an assistant.  Which I always thought she had it in her, its just bringing it out of someone is the hard part.  I think she works well under pressure.  I also am very proud of the progress that Laurie has made.  A person that was scared to death of what she was doing at the office is now feeling more like she belongs there and is getting more and more comfortable.

Giving the key back to the office was bittersweet and I have come to my terms of not having the key.  I don't live there, the chances of me returning - slim to none.  He said he would have me come back for large cases, but the way he has not been responding to me and trying to cut me out of the loop .... I really don't see that happening.  So I am okay with separating my ties.  I am going to continue the ordering for maybe 1 or 2 more months then I'll turn it over to Hailey.  I want her to get better organized in their daily task before I throw something else at her. Overall from the office, I am getting the feeling that when I asked to be paid for the work that I done during the day of my move (while my house was being packed) I think offended him and that's where this all comes from.  I'm in the crossroads of just sending him an email to forget about the money and just take the loss and feel like I am the bigger person and take that for payment.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Quick Trip

Yesterday was the commercial at the office back in Louisiana.

The trip there was pretty awful driving in severe weather for most of the trip. Once I was closer to Lafayette, the rain let up a bit.  I first went to see my friends in the old neighborhood.  The kids were so excited to see me, and I felt horrible for getting there so late, but luckily they are not in school this week, so I was not in trouble with their parents!  We visited for a while, got them up to speed on our house situation here and some funny stories here and there, it was nice for adult interaction after it just been me and the cats for a couple of weeks.  I picked up the boxes of things that we had left at their house the day of the move because our cars were both packed to the brim!

The next morning started bright and early. Got up and started my phone call list of people to get up to the office.  I even did the  nicest thing I think, I went to Great Harvest Bread Co. and picked up a sampler box for breakfast for everyone that was being so kind to come and do the commercial for us.

But before that, I had to talk to the new assistant and get her goals for the next few weeks and talk to her about a few situations.  Was productive in more than one way.  I have to send those emails after this entry is complete.

Once the people got there for the commercial things went very smoothly.  The patients were all talking among themselves about their procedures and making very good friends.  It was quite great to see them all interacting.  It was nice to be back where I felt comfortable, with the patients I really like and have a bond with.  I did leave early before the part that I was supposed to be in, no big deal!  Hailey got her life long dream of being a tooth girl fulfilled!

At lunch, I got to catch up with +Brent Frick, on life and everything else.  Took care of some unfinished business and finally felt accomplished with the particular banking institution.  We went to a rather new restaurant in Lafayette, well I think it has been there for like a year probably, but new to me! The salad was actually awesome!  I cannot wait to see Mrs +Brent Frick in the summer when she comes to Dallas.

I have a few emails to send to the office and start preparing the next order for the upcoming month.  I did an inventory while waiting for Dr. Finley to return to the office, but we ended up taking care of it over the phone and I left almost 3 hours late for Dallas and yet again drove almost all of LA in extremely severe weather.  Matter of fact, I am positive that I seen a tornado form and touch down in St. Landry Parish on I-49.  The winds were so strong  that most trucks were pulled off the roadway.  Which was great for me so that I could actually see the road.  Once I got to Shreveport the skys cleared up and even some sun left in the day.  Then I just booked it back to Dallas and got home around 10PM.  You would think that I would sleep in after the day I had yesterday .. nope .. up at 7AM and couldn't go back to sleep.

So, yesterday I left my key at Finley Periodontics, which was fitting that it literally started storming as soon as I set the alarm for the last time.  EVEN more fitting, my official last time at the office was me by myself alone and left alone.  I guess its a memory stable place as I started alone and finished alone.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Meeting with Dr. R Finley

Today Dr. R Finley is in town and it was finally time for me to go to Dr. Roe's office to see what was going on.

To my amazement the office is very high end and just fantastic!  The exam room that Dr. R Finley and I will be working out of is small, but not the smallest place that I have ever been - that's for sure!  There will be some maneuvering, but nothing that I cannot handle.  Dr. Roe is very down to earth and so are his employees.  I think it will be a fantastic place to work once we (Dr. R Finley and I) get all settled in.  Things seem to be progressing and we shall see what happens!  We all went to lunch today, which Dr. Roe picked up the tab,  I need to send him a thank you card at a place called hooked line and sinker - interesting place.  I got a salad that was GIANT but amazing.

I'm so happy that things are falling into place.  I think I have always been slightly worried, now after today, I can rest a little bit more. Heck, I might even see if the periodontist that works there on Fridays would like some help ... I might just do that so that I have something to keep me sane before everything gets established.

Home inspection was yesterday, and there was a few issues, nothing that insurance cannot handle for the sellers.  The roof needs to be replaced and there was previous foundation work done that needs to be remeasured. So Luis and I are going to look over the completed report and get with Robert and Reese if needed and go forward from there to see what we want to get fixed before we move on.  Also, we need to look into places to stay since this will go beyond 30 days to closing.

All in all things are progressing - which is always fantastic!  I love progression!  I also love feeling accomplished ... today I have both of those feelings which does not always happen.

I actually already have dinner made - just waiting for Luis to get back from the office.

Morning Aggravation!

I just have to vent some where because i am very aggravated.   To slightly explain the situation without going into huge amount of detail - I am still working extremely part-time for the doctor back in Lafayette.

I DO NOT mind whenever they call me for help - even as yesterday I am in the MIDDLE of my new home inspection, but I take the call and walk the person through the issue - no problem at all - really, I love helping.  The problem I have is whenever people that have no idea what is really going on weigh in their thoughts about the situation.  The person I hired for the office manager was asking a few tech problems which was easily diverted to the tech support for the office, no big deal.  But then she proceeds to tell me that I was asked to return my key and my scrubs.  Which the scrubs were a given, and I only purchased on the doctors money for the year - 2 pairs of scrubs as I was hopeful to have the need for maternity scrubs.  I mean hell, I even gave someone there my surgery shoes that I purchased they were well over $150. The are amazing shoes and if you are going to be standing on concrete all day they are very necessary - just after I lost weight, they were 3 sizes or more too big, so why keep them?  Anyhow, I was asked to give my key tot the office manager - which that is not the reason that I am aggravated.  I am questioning why MY key is being given to this said person and not the person who she replaced - that to me would make more sense.  Anyhow, I sent an email to the doctor explaining that I had no problem giving the key back, but if I give the key back I will no longer be making ANY trips back to Lafayette to help with the office in person, as many times I have been stood up at the office with "people meeting me up there"  So I am not making a LONG trip to be helpful  (which I have NO problem with) ... I guess more so I have an issue with the way it is being handled, because I'm pretty sure this person that is giving all these orders (not the doctor) doesn't even know that I am actually STILL employed there.  Which now, I have to go back and email all those people and this is just turning into a bunch of crap.

Anyhow, I am not upset, just needed to vent.  Just got the call/text I have been waiting for - off to get ready!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Progress on finding a new permanent home

Pretty much as soon as we got up here, the very next day, the Realtor and I were out and about looking at what felt like hundreds of homes.  Robert (Realtor) showed me two listing in a town called The Colony - which from our previous trip, I had come to the conclusion I hated The Colony because it was very old home that were badly flipped and in my thoughts completely over priced.  Apparently to my surprise, the area closer to where we wanted to be anyhow is a lot better looking area.  The two homes were basically everything we are looking for.  So, we submitted offers on both homes and then the waiting game began.  I loathe waiting!!!!

That evening we received a response on the first home - which was my top pick - that we were 2nd runner up.  Not the news I was hoping for obviously, but I couldn't say I wish I would have never submitted an offer - competitive offer at that.  Then Sunday afternoon we received a call from Robert telling us our offer on the other home - Luis top pick was accepted and we could start moving forward.  So today is our home inspection.

Apparently I am completely confused how the energy system works here in Texas.  I called a local power company, which redirected me to a broker for power who quoted several different power companies.  I'm still confused.  I explained to Robert, I have never been able to pick and choose who was going to provide me power.  Its sooo strange!  We shall see what comes of this.

Since I have lost weight, I have not been replenishing my clothing.  Which goes easily unnoticed whenever you mostly wear scrubs and pajamas.  Now that I am wearing regular clothes every day ... its like oh I wore this yesterday and that the day before.  I seriously have 5 shirts, so I'm pretty sure Robert thinks I only wear the same thing everyday.  Today after the home inspection Luis and I are going to go shopping and get a few more shirts to add to my collection!  I also need to get some tennis shoes that I can jog and work out in.  There is a fitness center here at the complex and might as well use it while I have nothing else really to do.  There is also a jogging path/pet area.  I am going to conduct a study of when there is no dogs out over a few days time and then take Rico out for a walk.  If I had a cat stroller for Mango I could take her with us, but she does not do well on a harness/leash.  I'm fairly positive Rico thinks he is a small dog.

I still have not received any mail yet.  My fantastic friends in Lafayette have been checking my mail and nothing is there and I have nothing here.  So I have talked to the admin office of the apartment complex, the PO in Farmers Branch TX and the PO in Lafayette LA.  So the only conclusion we have come to is that it might be up to 15 days before receive any mail .... so strange.  I have never experienced this in a move - not even an out of state move.

Well we officially no longer own the house on Mirada Lane, as of Monday- we have already received our net benefits - so its seriously official.  Its a strange feeling. But not a bad feeling, just strange!!

Sunday I am heading back to Lafayette to be at the office on Monday for the commercial for Dr. Finley.  I called all my people yesterday afternoon and confirmed them.  I now just have to make the hotel reservations.  I was planning on flying originally, but I will have to drive because I have a few things in my other friends house to take back with me to TX.  Different things the movers could not back.  Mostly cleaning stuff, like soaps and sprays. And all of my welcome mats from the back and the front.  Even though its only been like what 2 weeks - ish, I still miss everyone!!

Friday, April 4, 2014

All Moved

First off, I am going to confess that I have not been eating well or healthy during this moving process.  OK I feel better now that I told you all!  Confession is a great thing!

Well we are Texas -ish official.  We arrived here in Dallas yesterday evening.  Unloaded both the cars and carried all of our belongings that we packed up 3 flights of stars.  After the 3rd trip, we were tired but not like on our death beds, I made the statement thank god this move came after the weightloss! Luis agreed, because we both would have been a lot more winded and testy after the first or second trip up the stairs.  I am short, its no secret, so carrying heavy totes (I pack EXTREMELY heavy) up the stairs would have been too challenging for me.  My amazing husband carried ALL the totes up the stairs.  I unpacked everything and got everything put away to make this our home.

I will back track a bit.  My family and close friends know the story.  We received a call Monday evening that the movers were only going to be coming on Wednesday instead of both days.  I immediately became very frantic, as we had to be our Wednesday because of possible closing on Friday!  We were not allowed to pack anything, the moving company had to do it all.  Wednesday came and the moving group was awesome, they had very long week and then had to come and pack and load our home in one day.  Those 3 men worked hard and were extremely friendly, courteous, and happy for the entire day.  They didn't even want to take a lunch break, so my friend Angie took me out to get lunch for them and us.  They had the entire house packed and ready for me to clean around 6PM.  Angie and Jeremeh helped us clean up the house.  Men did the garage and Angie and I cleaned the inside of the house.

Then the dreaded part came.  Saying goodbye to everyone in our neighborhood.  I'm even tearing up as I type this.  We really did have the best neighbors.  They were more than just neighbors - that seems like a word that describes people you only casually talk to.  Our neighbors were our family and best friends.  We all had each others backs if anything was out of the ordinary.  Saying goodbye to them was difficult, BUT there is a good ending here - they all have some kind of tie to Dallas so they will be there at some point to visit.

Since we had the day set back and the movers finished late, we stayed in a hotel that night in lafayette.  I thought the cats would not like it and be hiding and what not.  They loved it.  There was not one inch of that hotel room not smelled and investigated.  In the AM we gave Rico 1/4 pill of kitty xanax to take the edge off for the drive.  Mango rode just fine in her carrier open in the floor board of the jetta with only a few comments along the way.  She was very relaxed without any kitty sedation.  Once we arrived to the apartment here in Farmers Branch (Dallas) I cleaned and Luis carried totes like described above.  I tried to set the apartment up as much as I could to help "welcome" the cats.  They made themselves at home very quickly.

The weather turned on us as quickly as the cats got comfortable.  When we arrived it was a clear and breezy day.  After unpacking and getting a shopping list together, the sky changed drastically.  Then I seen a tornado warning on the TV.  I was quickly reminded that we are back in "midwest" tempered weather that can change in the blink of an eye.  So Luis and I had a quick recap about the clouds and what a funnel cloud was and the skys colors and to watch the movement of the trees.  The extremely bad weather was north of us luckily but there was confirmed tornadoes!

Today I am going to continue to turn this more into our place then the place we are borrowing.  Plus I have nothing to do so I am super bored anyhow!