Sunday, April 20, 2014

Meeting the Dams

On Thursday, I went to The Colony ( the new house) for the foundation inspection.  I actually was surprised to meet the current owner of the home.  His name is Gary Dam.  I, of course STL proud, had my cardinals shirt on.  Which in itself is risky since I am literally in Rangers territory.  Anyhow, that sparked a conversation about where I was from.  And to my surprise  his wife is from Sullivan! And even more strange, the know about Rolla and have been there!  Crazy!  That just made it more apparent that this house was meant to be ours!!!

Foundation is stable and Gary has been doing all sorts of "repairs" he didn't even have to do.  We really hit the jackpot on finding a home where the owners are like Luis and I, in the fact that they built this house 30 years ago and its like they are giving away their baby.  Also fun fact, several people in the cul de sac are original owners.  So fun! As part of the repairs we asked to have done, was replace the ceiling in the garage, instead they countered with we could keep the refrigerator and washer and dryer.  Even though I have those appliances, ours may be too large anyhow, so this is a good thing.

Yesterday, Luis and I walked some of the trails here in Carrollton, just so that we could get out of the apartment.  The weather was amazing.  I got a little sun but nothing too bad.  We ended up walking 7 miles round trip, without really realizing it until about the last 20 mins of the walk when my calves started to really hurt!  I had not planned appropriately food or hydration wise.  So with that being said we had missed like 3 meals and I had not had anything to drink until we came across a park with a drinking fountain.  I really enjoyed it, I have blisters on my feet to prove it! LOL.  We went to get some coconut water to re-hydrate with  and then headed to Panera (YAY!!) for some lunch.  The last time I had Panera was with Amy and Angie in Springfield MO like a year ago.  I love being in Panera country again!

We seen a lot of people on bikes yesterday during the walk.  My friend Karen just got a bike and loves it.  I seen these people on the bikes go by several times, as they were doing several laps.  It would be more enjoyable on a bike I think, we could actually not be so tired after seeing the entire trail.  We went to a store REI to look at some bikes.  Luis has been wanting to go in that store, for what reason I am not sure, since he isn't the most outdoor loving guy.  I am excited to get a bike for sure!  Even Luis is too.  I think the move to Texas will be good for our hopefully more physically active lifestyle.  There is a large bike shop here that offers awesome bikes used at fantastic prices.  I think our plan is to get some bikes there, once we are our house.

Also on our walk we came across a neighborhood library, which was super awesome!  The idea was that you could take a book and they'd like you to put another book in there.  After you read the book, you put your name in there and then return it.  Its just outside someones yard, its sooo awesome!  There was some magazines in there, so I have some really good ones that I could put in there! I cannot wait to go back by it!

I hope everyone had a great Easter Holiday!  Ours was quiet, and since all of our things are in storage the cats did not get to have their annual easter egg hunt in the house.  But we did celebrate Rico's Birthday on Thursday evening!

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