Friday, August 7, 2015

Things are still moving

I have started this blog entry several times.  Only to find myself at a loss to finish.  Its a mixed bag of emotions.  Just when you think you have it all under control, the bottom falls out.

Well my March deadline for the doctor I work for came and gone.  Things would get better, then it would get worse, then better, and then absolutely the most terrible you could imagine.  There was a two month span that made me do something about it.  I have an issue, I am a fixer.  I try to fix things and pour all of myself into it.  Every single ounce of myself, even sacrifice my personal time and money to try to get things to work.  Things changed, but only for the worst.  I kept coming home and complaining to my husband.  One evening he said to me " I am sick of him being the center of every conversation we have, he isn't worth my time!!  Sara, I always support you in whatever you do, but I cannot in this situation."  Which put my mind into to motion.  One thing I cannot stand is people who complain and do nothing about it.

I tried to talk to him several times, with no change, just more turmoil and stress added to the situation after every time we would talk.  It would mostly start with him approaching me while I was working, with in the range of patients and everyone could hear, to make things even more stressful, it was usually about things that I wouldn't want everyone to hear.

We went to Puerto Rico to visit Luis family.  While there, this decision is all I could really think about.  What was I going to do? How would I do it? How would he act?  I first talk to the doctor that I work part time for (in the same office) and tell him, I think dentristy is not for me any more and that I am going to get out for a while.  Then if I chose to go back to dentistry, I think I will look in Oral Surgery or Periodontics only - my strong points.  He gave me an offer and said to think about it.  The next few days went well with the doctor, so I countered the offer him with working for both.  He said he'd rather not, but understood my loyalty to the family.  The VERY next 3 days were quite possibly some of the most uncomfortable days of my adult life.  I approached the other doctor and asked if the first offer was still available and  if the answer is yes, then I'll take it.  He accepts.  For the next week, I attempt to give my 30 day notice.  He always slips out before patients are all gone and I am unable to do it.  I do not like ambush people but the day before I actually gave my notice, was one of the worst days chairside.  Also that day, that I gave my notice, his actions solidified all my thoughts of why I was actually doing this.  When I took him in the office, he was shocked obviously. Things only got worse from there.  Saying he felt betrayed and he just tried to help all the ways he knew how to.  There is so much more than was said, but the more I think about it, it pisses me off.

Today he came to me at the front desk and sat next to me and started asking questions about a trip the other doctor is taking me on.  The other doctor sent in a request for registration on May 28th.  He said so for all this time we were plotting behind his back for this master plan and blah blah blah.  I quickly get very aggravated because I work for BOTH of them until August 15th.  So I continue to counter him with questions about why it would not be appropriate for the doctor to ask me to go.  His answer is because I never told him about it.  I have a very simple thought behind that.  Why would I tell him in May when the actual trip was still up in the air.  Anyhow it doesn't matter.  Bottom line is I have a new job doing what I have always wanted to do in dentistry since I went to dental assisting school.  It only took about 8 years but hey, who is counting?

And the new fulltime doctor is taking me and the rest of the office to Vegas for a implant conference.  My cousin is getting married at the end of this month, so we are flying into KC and going to spend a few days there and then go down to my hometown for the wedding.  I'll elaborate more on our trip to PR later, my mind is like mush after all this!