Sunday, March 23, 2014

Last week in Louisiana ..

Today marks the last full week we will be in our home we built and in the state of Louisiana.  Its going to be an emotional week that is for sure.

Luis and I started disassembling all of our outdoor potted plants.  I had to hold back tears.  Everything has been sort of surreal up until this point.  My last day at my current job is Friday the 28th.  I never thought I would be saying those words - my last day.  I know this week is going to fly by and be twice as hectic and full of all kinds of things popping up, but I know I will cry come Friday.  I mean, I was holding back tears throwing old flowers away yesterday!

All of our closest neighbors came out to talk with us, and it was so sad!  I wish I could just pack them with us!  Don't get me wrong, somethings I will never miss about here, but there are several things I will.

This upcoming Saturday, we are going to have our last yard sale here at the house.  A lot of people wait to see our address in the paper. ( I think I got the niche from my Mom and Aunt Cheryl)  We (Luis and I) have come to the understanding that we are not packing a bunch of needless things to Dallas.  We have done that before and its too  much work.  Whatever doesn't sell in this yard sale or I cannot give it way will be going to Goodwill.  I only need to pack the things we are going to be using for the next 30 days and everything else will be taken to storage on April 2nd.

I will be writing my resignation letters for my job at Finley Periodontics and for my treasurer position for Miramar Homeowners Assoc.  Both will be bittersweet while each has had its ups and downs, I will miss both - maybe not the job so much but the most of the people involved within both I will miss!

Today I am spending organizing things from the attic that our friend Johneric came and helped get down with Luis - I have NO balance on a ladder! And get the garage ready for the garage sale. I plan to take the cat kids out in their new kennel so that they can get used to being in it and they can enjoy the nice breeze in their furs!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Work, Move, and Progress!

Today the buyer's appraiser came to the house to do their appraisal, meaning we are getting closer and closer.  Luis spoke with the moving company and got us scheduled to have them here April 1st to pack boxes, April 2nd to pack said boxes/furniture into truck, and then later the next week delivery.  We are waiting to receive the corporate apartments address, so needless to say I feel a lot better.  I don't feel so much like I have no idea where we are going to be living in like 3 weeks.

Tonight, I decided to text the OTHER Dr. Finley, since I have had no contact with him besides the time he called my current Dr. Finley's office.  I was getting uneasy, just because its unknown .... I just like to be included even if I have no idea of what the process is, at least I know there is something going on behind the scenes.  Dr. R. Finley will be in town this weekend for Dr. M. Finley's baby baptism, so I asked him if we could meet up sometime this weekend and just talk.  He seemed excited for the opportunity.  Finley told me his brothers bday is the 18th, so I might try to make a good impression and remember that, no guarantees considering my own sister's birthday is Saturday and I have yet to send her bday card.  We shall see what happens of our meeting.

On Saturday, I have lunch date with Karen, Chelsea, and Hailey at Walk Ons ... I am pretty sure I will be having a bloody mary.

I need a drink after this week at the office.  There is so much unnecessary drama!!

Training is going a long, with progression.  I have a student from Southwest Dental Academy (which I have personal interest in)  Our student is performing at what I would call an advanced level.  Pretty impressed with that, there have been others that have performed at that level (in surgical setting) but few and far between.  Its nice to see when a student actually listens to what they are being taught and applies it to their life.

I leave you with a picture of my cat children Mango is on the seat in the shower and Rico is at the door.  Cat people, like myself, do your cats like to get in the shower?  Mine watch you take a shower and then the moment the water is turned off I start getting "yelled at" by the cats to hurry up and get out so they can drink the most delicious water on this planet - shower drain water ....

Monday, March 10, 2014

Maintain your goal weight

In the last three months, since starting the "maintenance" portion of my weight loss journey, I have found that wheat and I ... we don't see eye to eye anymore.  Which is truly very sad, because I very much love wheat!  I have made the decision that once we get move to Dallas, I will start tying to bake paleo bread.  I need bread in my life, even if its faux bread.  Being gluten free for a baker is going to be challenging.  But I will have plenty of spare time to turn it into something great while looking for a job/waiting for Dr. R Finley to get to Dallas.

Paleo and gluten free lifestyle are essentially to an extent what maintenance of your life should be.  Its about healthy food that easily digested.  Most adults do have a hard time in one way or another digesting wheat/gluten/dairy.  There are a lot of things that I will take from Take Shape for Life and keep forever and other things I will modify, because that is what you do when you maintain something, make it personal to you and your lifestyle.

In Dallas, I will have more accessibility to paleo/TSFL lifestyle foods.  Not saying that in Lafayette I do not have ANY, but there is everyone fighting at the same two places for the foods.

In maintaining my weight loss, you find yourself in almost per say daily battles.  Take for instance, during Mardi Gras here, I think every single patient brought us a king cake from a different bakery.  While I did not taste ALL of them, I did taste a few of them.  But then I would almost feel guilty.  Then in thinking about why I would feel guilty, it was because I felt like I was going to go into my old habits, or as we at TSFL call a "temporary relapse in thinking"  I guess because I had read about it and talked to clients about it, I was super aware of this being a possibility?  Really I am in the battle of do you feed your urges or your needs for body support, and you usually pick the first one.  All thought for my birthday week, I was a little more okay with "splurging"  My birthday was March 6th, and to my surprise people texted, called, emailed, and facebooked me all day and through out this weekend.  The two assistants at work bought me starbucks, and my boss bought the office lunch, my sisters and dad had flowers sent to me, Luis took me to dinner at Bonefish and to Indulge to have some cheesecake.  All in all a great day!

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Moving!  Its stressful, even when you aren't in charge of EVERYTHING .. maybe that is what makes its this stressful for me, because I am not in control.

So it is official ... our house is under contract.  We had our home inspection on Wednesday and things went very well.  One small exterior fix is needed, and after looking at all the other homes in our subdivision, it seems it was something all builders here skipped.  No big deal, we will get some quotes and get things fixed.  Which means reality has set in, we will be moving in 3 weeks.  We virtually have nothing in place.  Partially because I am not in charge of the move, Luis is. So each and every day I have to question how the process is going .... so far we are working on a list of phone calls he needs to make.  Keep your fingers crossed!

I will start looking up the proper way to introduce your mature cats to new places.  As it seems today, we will be first living in a corporate apartment or possibly a hotel - that is of course pet friendly. We have some pills that we had for Mango in case we had to evacuate for a hurricane at some point.  I am not pro drugging your pet, but at the same time I do not want them stressed out.  Rico will for sure have to have some drugs because he does not travel well at all.

At work, I am in full training mode.  My boss has asked me to take myself out of the day to day activities to see how the girls will do alone.  It is extremely hard to just not do anything to help, its just not who I am.  I spend the day dropping in on surgeries to give a helpful hints on the procedures from an assistants view point.  We have even stayed late after work and practiced certain things on each other so it would take the scary out of the equation.  Things are going rather well so far.  Some of my coworkers do not like change at all and are making things harder than they really need to be at any point in this transition. My boss was doing so well with this, keeping positive and open.  He has been teaching and has really been really awesome with this whole process until Friday.  Literally he came to me to try to figure out a way for me to still work there and live in Dallas.  I really thought he was going to cry and had despair in his voice, which breaks my heart.  I love working there, but there is just no way that I can continue to work there full time and live in Dallas.  I hope this passes and his more positive self shows on Tuesday.

I have been live tweeting during the #LongIslandMedium premier to maybe even get a private reading with her .. it would be awesome!