Thursday, June 26, 2014

Be Positive!

Our move so far has been fantastic.  I am learning to have a life with out stress and really learning how to get rid of stress that is trying to follow me.

We have already had friends visit us.  We are even meeting up with more this weekend.  And even more in the future.  I had one friend come to visit while in Louisiana. I'm so excited to be close to family and friends.  Luis brother and his wife and children have come to our house recently. The twins are coming in 2 weeks for a week visit.  I am also enjoying being closer to things to do that are fun and different. The move to Texas, even though it was big and made us go through a lot of unknown experiences - was literally one of the best things we have done.  Luis really loves his new position and all of its challenges.  I also love my new job, even know it has not officially begun as of yet.  All the new things I am learning are making me use my mind again and be challenged.

At one point I was slightly depressed because of life, recently.  Yesterday I was able to vent with a friend and as I was talking, I was thinking to myself - why am I letting this get to me?  I am the only one this is affecting.  I like being able to get those self revelation moments that are the truth speaking to you.  So I am making the decision to put it all behind me and let karma handle everything.   I have to remember to think about the great things in my life.  Well everyone should do that.  As a society we are made to dwell on the bad in life.  To easily point that out in every way.  It is hard to be positive - especially whenever you came from a group of completely negative people.  I am getting back to be my positive and optimistic self, even though not all of what happens in my life is positive - you have to see the positive even in the negative.

This weekend Luis and I are meeting up with a college friend of mine Cory and his wife Val.  I will get to meet their adorable little boy!  Also, Luis will be able to meet Val.  Just seems odd to me that he didn't meet her but when Luis and I met was the summer that Cory had went home, so it does make sense. I think the last time I seen them in person was probably like 8 years ago - maybe less.  I'm so thrilled!  I just cannot wait.

Tomorrow I am going to join the gym here close to my house.  I thought we were going to get bikes soon, but that seems like its going to be farther out that I anticipated.  So, I need to get out and do something.  I bought a jump rope a few days ago.  I haven't done that since I was in grade school.  Its so hard now! I am not coordinated at all outside of dentistry.  So after 30 mins of whipping my ankles I decided to call it a day for today and go and try again some more tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What's on my mind ...

Things have been on my mind and I have fought to actually type them out in this blog.  I literally cannot fight the urge to publish it.

People who have the need to talk about others and degrade them really urk me.  Don't get me wrong - at some point we all do it in life whether we actually mean to or not.  I am not talking about that.  I am talking about the people out there that is all they do.  That is there life goal is to slander someones name to give themselves fame.

Its literally happening to me.  I do not have contact with the people that are doing it - and I really do not care to ever have contact with those said individuals either.  The problem I do have is that the said people are doing it create this negative feel about who I am and what I have accomplished.  At first I was honored really to be the aim of their attacks.  If I was able to make that much of an impact on your life that you cannot stop talking about me and trying to ruin my name all around Lafayette - then I must have been doing something right!   Now, that it is progressing and friends are calling me telling me things - its starting to get to the point where I might need to take legal action.  Also, degrading training and a school I am affiliated with - that my friends, just won't fly.

One thing my actual friends know - don't mess with my friends - I will get even and it most likely will be legally speaking.  You can attack me - you literally have no demise on my career - because I do not live in Lafayette, nor do we ever plan on moving back to Lafayette - further more I would never work there again considering it would be a complete redo - once again. BUT when you do attach the attack to my best friend and her business I have a huge problem with that.  You will not sabotage her because of me. Talk all the trash you want  about me.  Tell everyone, I mean everyone!! If the people met me they know you are the one attacking someone because of jealously and you need for acceptance.  He has accepted you as the know it all - just take it for what it is and not stop the attacks on my best friend.  If they don't stop, I will seek legal action for defamation of character and harassment.  Believe me - I have plenty of witnesses - its really quite easy.

I had to get it out of my system and into print - I have been fighting this urge for the last week.  I know its a "threat" in a way, but its more the principal of what I am fighting for.  Showing people that you actually can get into legal trouble for what your mouth does.  Some people needed to be reminded this.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Update on Mom's dog

My mom text me this AM to let me know Precious had died sometime Saturday evening or early Sunday morning.  Poor little thing is out of pain.  I know my mom will be sad about it and even more so her old chihuahua Mert.  Mert is always depressed whenever she loses a house mate, and they have been together for many years as they were both pretty old.

My mom did try everything she could and was even going to take her to an animal hospital, so I know she will be very upset, even though she is not showing it.  She said they have already buried her in the backyard.

RIP Precious!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Forgotten Bed

Today, Luis and I discovered that we left a bed at our old house in Lafayette.  Its not so much of the value it actually holds monetarily .. its the emotional connection I have to it from my childhood and my grandmother.  Yes, it was old when she had, old when my mom had it, and even older when I have had it.  My grandma and I striped it down to its original state one summer, with my mom of course at the old farm.  It was a lot of work and in the heat of summer, but my mom wanted for me and Amber to have a bigger bed to share, since the arrival of the twins.  Amber and I shared that bed until we got our bunkbeds and then it went to be stored in the shed behind our house.  When I moved out of my moms house, that is the bed that followed me all through college and even with Luis and I.  That bed was our first bed in Corpus Christi and Lafayette.  Then we retired it to the guest room.  Anyhow, I could go on and on.  But my thoughts were I would stop using it until we could refinish it again and then today we found out we may have lost it forever.  Luis feels very terrible, because he and our friend JohnEric cleaned out the attic, but he forgot to get the bed from the corner he had placed it.  I just hope the new homeowner will have it in her heart to give it back to us.  We have contacted our Realtor from Lafayette in hopes to get it back.  He said he would take care of it from there.  I hope and pray that it everything goes our way and she will allow us to either come and it or have a friend in the  neighborhood pick it up for us.  Either way, I would just love to have my grandma's bed back.  Like I told Luis, if I cannot get it back it is in no way shape or form the end of the world as it is JUST an object - I have the memories.  It is not going to be something that I hold over his head or anything ridiculous like that.  I even called my mom to ask her about it, in case there was something about it I had not remembered.   Anyhow, I just hope we have a chance in getting it.

Also on a side note, one of  my moms dogs is super ill and will need to be transported from the current vets office to either STL or Springfield to animal hospital.  I hope they figure out what is wrong with her.  She is a very good dog and my mom and sister saved her years ago from an extremely abusive situation.  Please send positive thought for little Precious.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

5 Year Anniversary

Last Friday was our 5 year anniversary.  Luis had planned out the entire evening, all the way down to taking me to this chocolate place that had a solid chocolate tooth.  We had conveyor belt sushi - which was a fun experience.  We went to the chocolate place and had a few - as they were super expensive and the guy there seemed very aggravated that we were making purchases.  We sat and people watched/visited in a park until dark.  It was nice to just relax after all this moving!  The next night we went out to a place called the blue martini for drinks and had an awesome evening - there was live music and it was actually really good.

I had measurements for blinds taken the other day - by several companies and then made my choice of course.  Today, they came and installed them.  It changes the house completely.  It looks so much better.  We have been putting little touches on the guest room little by little.  I wanted to change it since we live by the lake now.  Something like beachy/lake house type of guest room.  The bathroom in our LA home was already beach themed, so I did get to use a lot of that in this bathroom.

Changing gears, I must say I haven't felt of life where I was mostly stress free in a long time.  Living in Louisiana was stressful in the fact that most of time we lived there, we had no real friends until the last few years we were there.  As well as the job I held for the last 5 years.  I am so much more calm and can make rational thoughts/decisions.  Things that would have set me off into a rage have no affect on me - at all.  Instead, I just take the pride in the things I have accomplished and not focus on the ignorance of others.  Which for me, is totally amazing. You don't realize the things you are doing to yourself to  cause all the stress in your life.  For instance - I was putting way too much pressure on myself to accomplish things - in my work life and personal life, when I really shouldn't have.  If I could have predicted the future, do you think I would have put my heart and soul into my work life if I knew what I knew now? The answer is plain as day: NO.  Why?  Because I was taken for granted.  Like it was my "job" to do that.  I was getting "paid" to do those things.  That is fine, but in all fairness I cannot be more invested in something that isn't even mine.  My personal life, I put strain on a lot of relationships - trying to perfect them or for me to be the perfect friend, sister, daughter, wife, ect.  Which in all reality : spoiler alert : NO ONE IS PERFECT.  It is a hard pill to swallow when you try so hard.  Now I know this.

This brings me to the next thing I wanted to vent on.  Well vent is not so much the right description.  A few of my friends who have had a terrible time conceiving have finally conceived and are carrying healthy babies - It literally brings tears to my eyes and we could not be happier for them!   With that being said - I am taking the stress off of Luis and I, we are not going forward with any fertility treatments and just going to live life until we are ready to persue that avenue again.  My new goal is focus on losing around 40-50lbs so that I can have the skin removal surgery.  I cannot live a life with excess skin just waiting for the day to come - because it hasn't and its been a year.  Its really hard to care for so much excess tissue and its super aggravating knowing that you could buy/wear something you could look really good in if you didn't have all the extra skin.  Although, I think if my skin was in excess in other areas than where it is at, it wouldn't be as bad.  Almost all of mine is at the waist and below, so it makes even wearing jeans uncomfortable because the size that fits my waist is not the size the fits the excess skin, so then I have buy a size bigger and be constantly pulling them up so they don't fall off my rear!

Please don't misunderstand my comments and new goal.  Its not that we don't want to have children, its just I am taking the pressure off of us.  We  want to have a child but we need to focus on life for a bit and get back to enjoying us without pressure and medications and doctors visit.

Ending on a happy note, here is a picture we took at the sushi place - my eyes are closed but its cute!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Back Log!

I'll go ahead and apologize ahead of time - this is a going to be a long post, sorry!

We have been super busy.  Tara and Cody came to visit a few weeks back, from OK.  That was a lot of fun, because it made me unpack everything and get at least one other bedroom other than the master completely ready.  Also made me finish the guest bathroom as well.  Since we are so new to the area, we didn't know much of what to do, turns out Cody knew more about the historical aspects and sight seeing things of the city than we did.  So our guest led us around!  What a turn of events!  We did have a lot of fun and cannot wait to go and visit them in OK.

I also did some temp work at the office me and the new doctor will be working at.  It was for a periodontists that actually just moved from STL to Fort Worth and sees some patients in the area of Dallas we are located.  I have to help them get better set up for him.  It was a lot of fun and not to mention it was the first time I have actually "worked" in an office since leaving LA.  It really was nice, and I even got paid!

The next week, I worked the first part of the week in the flower beds.  I went and bought new flowers and bushes for the front flower bed.  It looked kinda bare and needed some color.  I also had to dig a trench to bury soaker hoses around the house (to help with foundation hydration).  That was A LOT of work! It took me two days to do so.  I want to plant a garden, I might do that this week.  We do have a bunny friend, that I don't want him/her munching down on my garden!  I have an empty bed next to the little patio on the side of the house that would be perfect for the garden.  Any ideas of how to keep the bunny out - without violence?

We had a very successful garage sale/sale on craigslist.  Strange here in The Colony - there is no real way to advertise the garage sale, but I do have to get permits for all my signs and to have the actual sale - all at no charge.  There was so many people!!!! So many!! It didn't die down until right at the closing.  We only have left one small tote of things, dining table, and a white shelf I used in my hall way in LA.  Oh and also the dryer.  But I am still trying to sell those on craigslist.

The new doctor has moved to Dallas, so last week was a lot of time at the office trying to sort through things to use, keep or toss.  We met with a lot of reps to try and finalize some of the quotes we have received.  We even sat down together (with the help of the rep being present) to make  list of things to go in a cassette and also get a supply order together.  There are a few things that we will have to get together at a later time, but that is no big deal.

My garbage disposal started leaking from the bottom on Sunday - looked up the problem.  Turns out it is a flywheel seal.  Also turns out you cannot buy them.  So it aggravates me that I know the problem, and pretty sure I could do it with the help of Luis, but we can't buy the part.  Today I am going to Lowes to get a new one.
I have more to talk about, but I have things to get accomplished today! But I will  leave you a picture of the card that Tara and Cody sent me after their visit to The Colony!  It is so great and creative!