Monday, January 26, 2015

Weekend Round Up

I hope your weekend went well.  Mine was pretty good!

I didn't have to go into the office on Friday, so I was able to complete ALL my weekend duties on Friday. It was awesome!  We even went grocery shopping that evening after Luis got home from work.  I am now convinced the best time to do your grocery shopping is on Friday evening.  The store had everything I wanted and there was barely anyone in there!  It was probably a fluke!

Saturday we went to one of Luis co-workers home for traditional Chinese teas and dinner.  It was really an enjoyable experience.  I met one other co-worker that I had not met before.  One of his co-workers was a little distant acting the last time I met him (the first time) but this time he was very outgoing and bubbly and we had a lot of fun talking.  I feel like his co-workers wives just never get me, and that's fine. We are not close in age at all, and I think that is what really separates us, and more than anything I tend to get along with men better anyhow.  The food was really good, I didn't eat too much other than veggies, since I didn't want to over do it. I had somethings like Lotus, that I have never tried, and to my surprise the way it was prepared was great.  Some of the things were not in my flavor palate, but everyone likes different taste anyhow.

Sunday we just hung out and relaxed.  We have not had that kinda day in a while.  It was actually very  nice.

I worked on veggie and food prep for the week.  Trying to make a menu up weekly.  Its hard.  I do not have recipes for most things I make, its all kinda just come out of my head.  So if and when I get a second job, I'll have to actually write down for Luis how to make somethings, because he will have no idea.

Today we are having BBQ ribs and "coleslaw" it is coleslaw but just a little bit differently made so its with no sugar and no mayo, but still comes out tasting like it. The ribs are from my dad's farm, so they should be awesome.

I will leave you with an adorable picture of Luis and Mango - she is just so darn cute ... and my husband too!

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