Friday, January 23, 2015


Last night my sister messaged me about something she seen on the local sheriff's facebook page from back home.  My childhood friend had been arrested for burglary of 8 homes - most of the things were found at his house, according to the report and possession of controlled substances.  Its hard to see him like that.  We had our birthday parties together from Kindergarten until the last time we had a party at the bowling alley together.  I really do not remember what grad our last joint birthday party happened.   He was my firs crush in grade school and because we always sat alphabetically in school we always sat next to one another, shared a birthday, and his mom was/is my mom's mail lady!  Its just surreal.  Like I told my sister, the thing that bothered me the  most, was the lack of life in his eyes (in his mug shot)  He just looked cold and dead in the eyes.  He has children and a wife I think, maybe not.  The last time I seen him was one time I was back home whenever the gas station Delano was still open.  We almost hadn't recognized one another.  Actually, I think he spoke to me first to be honest.  We were in school from K-12 together.  I admit, college and life after HS (if you do not go to college) changes people.  If it was not for facebook, I am unsure if I would actually keep up with one from Salem.  Not that I would not want to - just I wouldn't know how to!  Heck the same goes for people from college!

Things are moving slow with the interviews/applications I put out there for a part time job.  I know background checks take a bit so its okay.  Maybe its a sign from the universe that I need to just have one job?  Whenever I was younger and had 2 jobs (most of the my adult life while in college) it didn't take me long at all to pick up the 2nd job.  Again, ahh adulthood!

Tomorrow we have an event of sorts to go to.  Luis works with a guy from China, he just purchased a home here with his wife and son.  I guess tomorrow is ment to be like a house warming party, where his wife will be making traditional Chinese foods served with traditional Chinese teas.  I know it would be VERY rude to go there and eat nothing, so I will eat a few bites of things, not enough to derail me at all.

I have lost so far since January 5th - 8.4lbs. Just rocking right along!

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