Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Massive Update to present

Its been a long while since I have made a post.  There has just been so much going on, almost too much to post.

November was a whirlwind of a month.  The office was actually pretty busy around the holidays, because apparently everyone wants to get a root canal the week before and the week of Thanksgiving.  Doesn't seem like something I'd be interested in - but hey - to each their own.  Also, MIL visited for 2 weeks, maybe a little longer - first part of December.  This visit was different, which I knew it would be, especially with Luis having family here in Dallas.  I thought it would be a great Thanksgiving - and I guess in the eyes of some it was a great holiday.  For me, not so much.  Sure, I loved cooking - you know like prepping things the week of - late at night because I had patients every day the week of Thanksgiving that lasted until the later hours of the evening. Getting home around 9 to eat and do laundry then start prepping things is not the most ideal situation, but hey, its in the name of love, family and the holidays.  Thanksgiving morning I made the traditional Thanksgiving breakfast, pumpkin french toast - they turned out very good I'd like to say.  We watched the Macy's parade while I started on the pies and the Turkey.  I also cleaned the entire house - like deep cleaned, because of the cat hair, and there was going to be little kids in the house.  I also made a few appetizers to snack on since we were not having an actual lunch meal that day.  I made a veggie pizza, dill bread bowl dip, little bbq smokies, and some cheese and crackers, olives - you know little snack-y foods.  I also made lemonade for the kids to drink and sangria for the adults.  I worked tirelessly in the kitchen for what seemed like 24 hours but was actually only about 6.  I made a 25lb turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, sauteed green beans w/pearl onions and bacon, roasted brussel sprouts w/bacon, corn casserole, and rolls.  I also made two pies from scratch - a pumpkin and apple cinnamon.  I'm sure there is something else I am forgetting in there as well.  Luis Mom made some potato salad and some yellow rice.  I cleaned up all the finger foods, put all the foods out on the serving table.  I just sat back while people filled their plates in enjoyment ... that was until I seen that no one ate any of the food that I had made, except Luis.  Sure they had a little bit of corn casserole and turkey of course, but that was it.  Things changed from that moment.  I will never prepare another family style meal for a holiday again.  I had to eat all the left overs myself for the entire week.  I finally had to make shepards pie to get rid of the last of them so they wouldn't spoil.  I was just very hurt.  I had went out of my way to make a great holiday experience and that's not the result that happened. I was ignored (which happens sometimes by accident since I don't speak spanish) I don't care about that as much as why have me cook the meal if no one is going to eat it, especially if you know or should I say don't want them to eat it.  This trip I kept picking up little hints of resentment everywhere.  I knew things would be different, I really did.  We are in a new to us house, that is 30 years old and like half the house we had before.  To someone who visits its like night and day to what we had before, it really is.  But we really love our house - except the windows - we for sure need new windows!  I was so aggravated and hurt from Thanksgiving, we didn't even go black friday shopping - just to a few places like Petsmart, Khols, and Carters.

So on ward to December.  It starts off slow and I get somethings accomplished.  Then it would seem that after our work Christmas party the month melts away.  Again, people with the obsession of getting root canals done the week of Christmas, we are here late every night the week before Christmas, and luckily we were closed the week of Christmas.  I made cookies for all of the referring offices and went and delivered them, all the offices loved them.  I also made some sugar hand scrubs for one office that refers a lot to us.  I think that went over very well with them. I really enjoyed making them and that office in general so its worth it to me.  We went to back to MO to celebrate Christmas.  My dad is in the process of remodeling/adding on to his house, so he had the room for us to stay instead of paying for a hotel for the week and boarding the cats.  We were able to travel with the cats and include them for Christmas.  I cleaned a lot at my dads and we helped him get a few things set up at his house.  I just cleaned a lot .... a lot!  We also helped him hang up the TV and sound bar.  Luis worked on the farm, cut wood, fixed fences, fed cattle and pigs.  The cats really enjoyed the country life style.  They loved looking at all the wildlife all of the time.  There is always something moving around outside of my dad house.  Christmas was pretty good, only a few hiccups of arguing with family.  I didn't travel outside of Salem at all, well once to Rolla to mail a package.  It was actually nice.  I stayed at my dads most of the day while Dad and Luis worked on the farm, and I would cook and clean.  Then in the evenings, whenever everyone was off of work, we would go to my Mom's to hang out.  We are still trying to figure out what our Christmas is supposed to be like without Grandma Joyce.  Its difficult making a new family tradition, when all you know is the one you have had all your life changes.  We did Christmas Eve similar to what we have always done, we did buffet style food and opened gifts.  Things were rushed a little bit because my sister had to go clean a store, but my dad went with her to help. Christmas day we had a traditional type Christmas dinner and played some Christmas games that I had brought up with us.

Next year I would like to see things be a little bit more relaxed, so that Julian can actually open all his presents without being rushed and that we all can eat and chit chat together without having to eat some and then let Amber leave and finish after the presents were shredded in about 5 mins.  I just like things to be a bit more relaxed.  I was unaware I would be setting up all the food for the buffet, I would have not cleaned my dads house and went up and did that at my Moms with my sister Amy and set up all the stuff for that evening with Amy.  Now I know for next year!  I'll be better prepared!

One thing I forgot to post about is that we adopted a new kitten around Thanksgiving.  His name at the shelter was Ember - he has been renamed to fit our cat pack as Tito.  I have a feeling this one is going to be giant.  He is a blonde wonder cat as well, but instead of the swirl markings that Mango and Rico have, he has stripes.  Tito is 8-9 months old and such a sweet big kitten.  I say big because he is like 4 times the size of my moms kitten that is about the same age.  Tito has massive paws, like huge!  He is cuddly and kissy. Rico and Tito are best buds, while Mango is still letting him know that all the house is hers, she just lets the rest of us hang out there from time to time.  Tito is going to eat Luis and I out of house and home before too long.  He is always hungry and is just a bottomless pit of kitten belly.

So that brings us in the new year.  Already, its been kinda bumpy, but already getting better.  I am finding new drive, in different avenues.  Things I did not think I would want to do are seeming like I will do them, it may take me sometime to be able to get everything together to set up.  But believe this, I will achieve it, just because people have doubt in me.

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