Monday, August 4, 2014

Updates and stress!

I knew I had not updated in a few weeks, but I  didn't know it was a month almost exactly.  Gosh! Where do I start.

Well, the twins came to visit us the first part of August.  We did a ton of stuff, it was a lot of fun.  I wasn't exactly working everyday just yet, so it made it nice to be able to spend time with them.  Of course we had to take the all well known Ikea trip.  The girls bought so much furniture that Luis had to take it all back to our house and then come back to Ikea and pick us up .... better yet, somehow with all four of us loading the car we got ALL of it plus them in Angie's cobalt.  I'm still not sure how, but it happened.  I had to take all their clothing out of their luggage and do the space bags so they could take it home with them.  At some point Angie will need to come to The Colony to get the contents of her trunk that she left in our garage ...

After that, the office has taken over my life and sanity. Questionable if I ever had any - but what I did have has been taken away.  I mean I even have had drinks multiple times a week.  That hasn't happened in a LONG time - like almost 5 years.  Anyhow,  Things are moving forward.  I talked to my old doctor and was able to get a lot of forms from his office to use for patient information.  The hardest to create is the consents and informed information about root canals and the post operative instructions - since I have never even assisted on one!  I do have to say, I like having this office from scratch - doing all the things the right way the first time is a lot easier than trying to back track so many years/ex workers to fix. Yes, it has been stressful - but there is more to that than what meets the eye.  Hopefully this week that will be taken care of  or I might just lose it!

Oh, how could I forget - the week the twins were visiting we found out our front door was infested with fire ants - so we went and bought a new door and I had wanted a storm door - so we just got all of it together. In the mean time while we were waiting for the doors to come in, our pest control came by and sprayed poison in the door to kill the colony, but the door was split ( I am assuming from the ants) at the top.  The door was installed yesterday and today we painted the door.  The storm door arrived damaged so we have to wait for that piece to come back in and then they will come and install the storm door.  Yeah we are pretty boring individuals!

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