Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Weekend Recap!

This past weekend was interesting to say the least.

I had driven by a construction site and got some sort of spray of liquid dusty stuff on my passenger side of my car.  That was on Friday, and I had noticed that I couldn't get off with my wipers from the windshield.  So Luis and I thought to get  my car detailed at a local car wash.  Well things went south.  I got the car washed and it was not washed.  So I approached the manager and he talked to me like I was a complete idiot - like I had painted something on my car.  Well, I snapped.  I was yelling at him and telling him all kinds of things, one thing I do remember saying was "you are super pissing me off right now and the only thing I want to do is punch you in the face, but I won't".  My proudest moment? NO.  But I did get all the aggression I have been holding back out and in the open, so I got that accomplished.  We left, and got car wash supplies from O'Rielys and washed the car by hand and got the stuff off with a little bit of effort.

That evening we went out for some drinks and to people watch.  It was a lot of fun.  We walked around a park and just hung out.  We both didn't feel like going home after we went shopping - so why not.

On Sunday Cory, Val, and their baby Barrett came by for a visit to our house.  I have not seen Cory and Val since I left Rolla.  Needless to say its been a while.  I think like most adults, we have grown in somewhat different directions, but there is still a friendship there, which is nice.  I have found in the last few years, a lot of people that I grew up with or were close with in college we are just not in touch at all anymore.  We have all grown in different directions and sometimes that means that there is no longer a bond or a relationship there.  That is OK.  I'd rather be able to identify that instead of acting like there is a friendship there and there isn't really.  I like having Cory and Val close, that means we could in fact go visit them for a day because its not that far away!

I have vowed to become more active to try and wash away some of the blah and depression I have been dealing with.  So I have been jogging/walking the neighborhood.  Its about 2.5 miles.  I do it alone in the AM and Luis and I walk it together in the evening.  So I will leave you with a picture from my walk this AM.

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