Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What's on my mind ...

Things have been on my mind and I have fought to actually type them out in this blog.  I literally cannot fight the urge to publish it.

People who have the need to talk about others and degrade them really urk me.  Don't get me wrong - at some point we all do it in life whether we actually mean to or not.  I am not talking about that.  I am talking about the people out there that is all they do.  That is there life goal is to slander someones name to give themselves fame.

Its literally happening to me.  I do not have contact with the people that are doing it - and I really do not care to ever have contact with those said individuals either.  The problem I do have is that the said people are doing it create this negative feel about who I am and what I have accomplished.  At first I was honored really to be the aim of their attacks.  If I was able to make that much of an impact on your life that you cannot stop talking about me and trying to ruin my name all around Lafayette - then I must have been doing something right!   Now, that it is progressing and friends are calling me telling me things - its starting to get to the point where I might need to take legal action.  Also, degrading training and a school I am affiliated with - that my friends, just won't fly.

One thing my actual friends know - don't mess with my friends - I will get even and it most likely will be legally speaking.  You can attack me - you literally have no demise on my career - because I do not live in Lafayette, nor do we ever plan on moving back to Lafayette - further more I would never work there again considering it would be a complete redo - once again. BUT when you do attach the attack to my best friend and her business I have a huge problem with that.  You will not sabotage her because of me. Talk all the trash you want  about me.  Tell everyone, I mean everyone!! If the people met me they know you are the one attacking someone because of jealously and you need for acceptance.  He has accepted you as the know it all - just take it for what it is and not stop the attacks on my best friend.  If they don't stop, I will seek legal action for defamation of character and harassment.  Believe me - I have plenty of witnesses - its really quite easy.

I had to get it out of my system and into print - I have been fighting this urge for the last week.  I know its a "threat" in a way, but its more the principal of what I am fighting for.  Showing people that you actually can get into legal trouble for what your mouth does.  Some people needed to be reminded this.

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