Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Back Log!

I'll go ahead and apologize ahead of time - this is a going to be a long post, sorry!

We have been super busy.  Tara and Cody came to visit a few weeks back, from OK.  That was a lot of fun, because it made me unpack everything and get at least one other bedroom other than the master completely ready.  Also made me finish the guest bathroom as well.  Since we are so new to the area, we didn't know much of what to do, turns out Cody knew more about the historical aspects and sight seeing things of the city than we did.  So our guest led us around!  What a turn of events!  We did have a lot of fun and cannot wait to go and visit them in OK.

I also did some temp work at the office me and the new doctor will be working at.  It was for a periodontists that actually just moved from STL to Fort Worth and sees some patients in the area of Dallas we are located.  I have to help them get better set up for him.  It was a lot of fun and not to mention it was the first time I have actually "worked" in an office since leaving LA.  It really was nice, and I even got paid!

The next week, I worked the first part of the week in the flower beds.  I went and bought new flowers and bushes for the front flower bed.  It looked kinda bare and needed some color.  I also had to dig a trench to bury soaker hoses around the house (to help with foundation hydration).  That was A LOT of work! It took me two days to do so.  I want to plant a garden, I might do that this week.  We do have a bunny friend, that I don't want him/her munching down on my garden!  I have an empty bed next to the little patio on the side of the house that would be perfect for the garden.  Any ideas of how to keep the bunny out - without violence?

We had a very successful garage sale/sale on craigslist.  Strange here in The Colony - there is no real way to advertise the garage sale, but I do have to get permits for all my signs and to have the actual sale - all at no charge.  There was so many people!!!! So many!! It didn't die down until right at the closing.  We only have left one small tote of things, dining table, and a white shelf I used in my hall way in LA.  Oh and also the dryer.  But I am still trying to sell those on craigslist.

The new doctor has moved to Dallas, so last week was a lot of time at the office trying to sort through things to use, keep or toss.  We met with a lot of reps to try and finalize some of the quotes we have received.  We even sat down together (with the help of the rep being present) to make  list of things to go in a cassette and also get a supply order together.  There are a few things that we will have to get together at a later time, but that is no big deal.

My garbage disposal started leaking from the bottom on Sunday - looked up the problem.  Turns out it is a flywheel seal.  Also turns out you cannot buy them.  So it aggravates me that I know the problem, and pretty sure I could do it with the help of Luis, but we can't buy the part.  Today I am going to Lowes to get a new one.
I have more to talk about, but I have things to get accomplished today! But I will  leave you a picture of the card that Tara and Cody sent me after their visit to The Colony!  It is so great and creative!

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