Thursday, June 19, 2014

5 Year Anniversary

Last Friday was our 5 year anniversary.  Luis had planned out the entire evening, all the way down to taking me to this chocolate place that had a solid chocolate tooth.  We had conveyor belt sushi - which was a fun experience.  We went to the chocolate place and had a few - as they were super expensive and the guy there seemed very aggravated that we were making purchases.  We sat and people watched/visited in a park until dark.  It was nice to just relax after all this moving!  The next night we went out to a place called the blue martini for drinks and had an awesome evening - there was live music and it was actually really good.

I had measurements for blinds taken the other day - by several companies and then made my choice of course.  Today, they came and installed them.  It changes the house completely.  It looks so much better.  We have been putting little touches on the guest room little by little.  I wanted to change it since we live by the lake now.  Something like beachy/lake house type of guest room.  The bathroom in our LA home was already beach themed, so I did get to use a lot of that in this bathroom.

Changing gears, I must say I haven't felt of life where I was mostly stress free in a long time.  Living in Louisiana was stressful in the fact that most of time we lived there, we had no real friends until the last few years we were there.  As well as the job I held for the last 5 years.  I am so much more calm and can make rational thoughts/decisions.  Things that would have set me off into a rage have no affect on me - at all.  Instead, I just take the pride in the things I have accomplished and not focus on the ignorance of others.  Which for me, is totally amazing. You don't realize the things you are doing to yourself to  cause all the stress in your life.  For instance - I was putting way too much pressure on myself to accomplish things - in my work life and personal life, when I really shouldn't have.  If I could have predicted the future, do you think I would have put my heart and soul into my work life if I knew what I knew now? The answer is plain as day: NO.  Why?  Because I was taken for granted.  Like it was my "job" to do that.  I was getting "paid" to do those things.  That is fine, but in all fairness I cannot be more invested in something that isn't even mine.  My personal life, I put strain on a lot of relationships - trying to perfect them or for me to be the perfect friend, sister, daughter, wife, ect.  Which in all reality : spoiler alert : NO ONE IS PERFECT.  It is a hard pill to swallow when you try so hard.  Now I know this.

This brings me to the next thing I wanted to vent on.  Well vent is not so much the right description.  A few of my friends who have had a terrible time conceiving have finally conceived and are carrying healthy babies - It literally brings tears to my eyes and we could not be happier for them!   With that being said - I am taking the stress off of Luis and I, we are not going forward with any fertility treatments and just going to live life until we are ready to persue that avenue again.  My new goal is focus on losing around 40-50lbs so that I can have the skin removal surgery.  I cannot live a life with excess skin just waiting for the day to come - because it hasn't and its been a year.  Its really hard to care for so much excess tissue and its super aggravating knowing that you could buy/wear something you could look really good in if you didn't have all the extra skin.  Although, I think if my skin was in excess in other areas than where it is at, it wouldn't be as bad.  Almost all of mine is at the waist and below, so it makes even wearing jeans uncomfortable because the size that fits my waist is not the size the fits the excess skin, so then I have buy a size bigger and be constantly pulling them up so they don't fall off my rear!

Please don't misunderstand my comments and new goal.  Its not that we don't want to have children, its just I am taking the pressure off of us.  We  want to have a child but we need to focus on life for a bit and get back to enjoying us without pressure and medications and doctors visit.

Ending on a happy note, here is a picture we took at the sushi place - my eyes are closed but its cute!

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