Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

 Mother's Day this year, I am in a different focus on me.  Last year at this time, I felt like a complete and utter failure because I tried so hard to become a mother, but had not.  Jealous of everyone with a child, even people I didn't even know.  I'm not going to lie, this one was hard too, but in a different way.  I was a little depressed, but then I thought to myself - I am a mother in a sense.  I am a cat mom - these cats depend on me for everything and look to me to console them (even when they are being dramatic) which is much like having a child.  So this Mother's Day I was grateful to have 2 furbabies - Mango and Rico.

One thing I notice this year, more than any other year on Facebook, were individuals including people like myself, (struggling w/infertility) in their Mother's Day post.  It really shows me that a lot of people are either struggling with it themselves or have someone in their life very close to them that is suffering from infertility.

This infertility is more widespread than ever.  I'd like to go back in history and see how many people our parents age struggled with infertility. After reading a lot into artificial sweeteners, chemicals in our foods, and just all around junk food - I think it mostly has to do with what we are eating and how are bodies are reacting to it.  I think that people that are still able to have children and do not treat their bodies appropriately food/drug/alcohol wise - just have strong genes that can overcome it. I have noticed so many things in my own body that have changed since removing some things from my diet.  Its always fantastic to challenge your body by removing something from you diet and seeing how your body reacts. I have noticed since losing weight, that my body is doing things more "regular".  During this  whole30 challenge I have been doing - I have noticed all the impurities in my body coming out in the form of acne on my body.  Which also happened whenever I first started Take Shape for Life-  All those added things in your diet before trying to be healthier come out in that form.  I had a few days of cheating during the move - and I am paying for it with acne - my face is a mess right now.  But I can tell the cells are healing again because my face is clearing up - no new offenders!

These are all my personal opinions based on data and research I have read since becoming empowered to change myself.  I am not a doctor or dietitian - but a self knowledge based nutritionist based off of many books/studies I have read by real doctors.  I can physically see the difference in what is going on my body by eating nothing that is processed.  It's quiet amazing!

BTW - Happy Mother's Day!

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