Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Make yourself accountable ..

Every morning since starting this #whole30 challenge, I have either walked 3 miles or more or did some strength training in the gym.  I am not sure if everyone does this, but when I'm working out - whether it walking, jogging, circuit work outs - I think about everything.  I think about goals, the past, how far I and Luis have come on our journey to be more healthy.  This has always been that way - my entire life.  I am constantly thinking about all sorts of things.

Its one thing to think it, but if you never say it aloud - its never something that you feel like you have to follow through with it.  So any real goal that I want to attain, I make myself accountable by saying it aloud.  It doesn't matter if you are by yourself or in a room full of who evers, saying it aloud makes you feel guilty if you are not following it later.  Atleast for me.

Back when I first started my weight loss journey - I was in a different mind set - not particularly a great one.  But I learned from that, became more positive and focused.  I figured out, that if I just used the amount of energy I was using to complain and moan about how the goal was not attainable and how much I was missing out, that I would succeed.  If I vested all that time and energy into my health and goals, I would have to succeed.  In all honesty - the complaining was probably taking up 65% of my life.  That was a pivital moment in my life to change my mind set.  You want to know where I decided to make myself accountable?  The bathroom at work in January.  I had a not so great AM with a few co workers and was in the bathroom to take myself out of the situation.  At that moment, I knew it was time for a change - I said aloud in the bathroom "  I am going to use all the effort of my complaining and my aggravation from _____ to make this goal happen"  I had lost almost 30lbs effortlessly, so if you invest in yourself, it actually comes off even easier.

We grow up in a world, were it is more acceptable to be down on yourself that to have self worth and to feel like you deserve to be healthy.  That ranges from mental abuse from friends, family, and even yourself.  The food companies changing the make up of our foods to make us addicted to terrible products.  The government agencies, (FDA) allowing food companies to do this and to make them the most affordable way to eat.  Eating healthy is expensive - but so are medications that you likely will be taking for your entire life if you continue to eat "food" that comes from a box on a shelf at your local store.  I'm not going to lie and tell you that I will never eat anything that comes from a box again - because that's a lie - I love oreos as much as the next person.  I will have oreos OCCASIONALLY.   I like to have a night out with my husband and/or friends.  I'll have chips at a Mexican restaurant and even a drink. With that being said, it doesn't mean I am going to do it weekly.  Just occasionally.  To keep myself in the best of health, I know I have to get back to basics.

I like to think that whenever my grandma was a child, that even though she told me about the great depression - and they were dirt poor, I still think she was healthier than some children today.  That was a time before the FDA and giant conglomerates that changed the actual make up regular food to make them shelf stable for years ... something shouldn't be able to sit on a shelf for years - that's not food, its a science experiment.  She taught me how to can veggies that were from the garden and in season.  How to pick fresh berries like black berries and freeze some for whenever we'd want to make something after their season had ended.  How to properly freeze the turkey, deer, fish, and other game that our family brought home during their season.  That's what I think we all should strive to get back to.  The older I get, the wiser I get, and then realize my grandma really was right about a lot of  things she told and taught me as a child.  I cannot wait to either go home and get healthy beef and pork from my dad or him to come visit us here and bring some gifts!

Bottom line - make yourself accountable to your goals!!!!

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