Saturday, January 25, 2014

New Problems post weight loss ...

One problem I didn't think I would have too much of a problem with was  extra skin post weight loss.  At about 100lbs, I hadn't seen much extra skin besides the places I thought I would see them.  After the next 50lbs lost, it was really every where, and a lot.  Hygiene would be/have been a problem if I was the average person, but I have always been super clean.  

In October, I decided to see a plastic surgeon for a consult.  The office, staff, and consult videos were super out dated, to the point I almost done something I have never done before.  I almost walked out.  Luis talked me into staying thankfully he did, because the doctor and HIS nurse were completely awesome.  He estimated I had about 50lbs of extra skin and asked me how much more I was trying to lose.  After I told him and he seen my weigh in for that day, he said the most he wanted me to lose was 10lbs more.  I weighed 190 ... I was so confused.  Dr. Williams said that I went from one end of the spectrum to the next ... I would not have enough body fat to conceive.  I NEVER thought in a million years I would hear those words.  So he estimated at today's appointment, my actual weight post skin removal would be 140lbs.  Also stated that when I have the surgery completed, It would need to be done in 4 different surgeries.  We also talked about how the insurance company would not pay for the skin removal since I had not had a bariatric surgery preformed.  So, as I also had the same conversation with the insurance company, since I had done it on my own and in a healthy way vs having surgery - I would be penalized and have to pay out of pocket. Dr. Williams assured me that he would do everything in his power to make them pay for all of the actual skin removal and that I would only need to pay for the cosmetic portion.  Then I asked him the  most important question:  Should I have these surgeries completed before I have a baby.  His answer was no.  Have a baby first, then do surgery.  Dr. William and his wife had used Dr. Storment to have their last baby with.  His departing words out of consult room were:  "Stay strong, you have made it this far, things are going to happen"

After that consult, I had to figure out what I was going to do. Lose 10 more pounds or move to transition?  Luis and I talked about it for a while.  Luis was not ready to go to transition and we had the holidays and our "mini vacation" coming up.  My final decision was to keep losing, but I could cheat here and there to help level out the loss.

Our "mini vacation" was going to Hammond, IN for the festival celebrating the 30 year anniversary of the move "A Christmas Story" Then we would move on to Chicago for the evening and part of the next day.  If you area going to be in Chicago, you for sure need to have pizza.  So that was the plan.  Keep losing so I could have some Chicago style pizza.

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